This project was proudly initiated during Cebu #Hacktoberfest 2024

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Git Gud: Mastering GitHub & Version Control by NOTION CITU

Git Gud: Mastering GitHub & Version Control by NOTION CITU

enspace Cebu


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Join an interactive workshop on December 1 from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM at enspace Cebu!

In collaboration with Google Developer Groups on Campus CIT-U, this event is designed to enhance your GitHub expertise while seamlessly integrating Notion into your workflows.

Led by an expert, you'll master GitHub fundamentals, collaborative coding, and best practices for managing repositories.

Discover how Notion can help you track tasks, manage documentation, and visualize progress for smoother project organization.šŸ’»āœØ

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Special thanks to our venue partner enspace Cebu āœ®ā‹†Ė™
(*Do Not wear shorts/slippers.)

#notioncitu #notioncampusleader #notion #notionhq #GDGoCxNotion